Avantii Deshpande : Dietician & Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Author & Speaker

COVID-19 Health special offer 20% OFF ON CONSULTATION. Be healthy! be smart! Eat smart! Please #STAYHome #StaySAFE.

Avanti Digital: Connect Digitally with Avanti

I have a tailored a new connect for individuals who don’t have the time to visit my clinic/office for nutritional advice. This is the just reward for those individual who are proverbially ‘living-out-of-the-bag’ jetsetters! You realize that periodic and timely health and fitness reporting will add to a better lifestyle and living.

So now, don’t miss out on any scheduled or planned appointment or an essential consultation.

With smartphones, phablets and computers around, it is time to connect digitally too. Just like real, in the digital world. Now you have no excuse to miss out on seeking my guidance on your way to healthier eating and living.

Introducing AvantiSkype

Providing personalized one-on-one nutrition counseling from the comfort and convenience of your own home or any place you are comfortably seated, via this digital connect. Of course, you need to pre-book/register/take appointment to avail this mode of consultancy.

‘Whatzup with your Nutrition’ hour – every week.

Do you suffer from nutrition confusion? Are you unsure about the “right” healthy eating guidelines? Do you just simply enjoy chatting all things food? Then you will love the “Whatsapp Diet plan”. Simple way to maintain a strict regimen. Keeping tabs to ensure your day – food breaks are at the right time and in the right quantity. Breakfast Routine, Lunch, snacks.

Introducing the “Nutrition hour” once a week every week. Filled with tidbits and more – sharing is caring! Sharing my knowledge, exploring new culinary skills, new food ideas, and of course sharing a few smiles.

Watch out for the ‘status’ for the ‘Nutrition hour’ and join in ‘real time’ – if you join in late, or miss out participating, just scroll up to read the conversation and leave your feed back. All I can say is ‘Missed you’.


Oh the hashtag! Yes, this is one the fastest ways to hear from me the latest tips and trick in living a fuller life. Questions? View? Insights? Experiences? Covering the whole spectrum of eating right, at the right time and right morsels. A new hot topic from sugar to paleo will be explored each month.

Tweet chats are a great way to meet and network with new people who share common interests. It is also a forum for you to communicate with a broader audience on Twitter and benefit from viewpoints all around the world.

The hour-long chat is our virtual venue to discuss the latest news, studies, controversial topics and issues related to the food we eat. Be prepared for a surprise Guest to moderate the discussion and throw in more questions for all of us to comment and answer.

This chat is open to everyone, so invite and inform your friends from all over the world! Actually, anyone who is interested in food and nutrition can join, participate and express their viewpoint.