Nutrition should be a lifestyle change rather than a diet fad! Hello beautiful people, I am Avantii Deshpaande, a foodie, fitness lover, a mom to two kids and a dog!I am a nutritionist, and believe food should be able to nourish our body and soul. Nutrition is not equal to diet. As a masters in Nutrition and a nutrigenomic expert, I can assure you that Nutrition is about choosing the food that is in favor of your mental, physical and genetic setup. Therefore, it is about you and not about diet food. So lets start together , the beautiful journey of knowing your best lifestlye !

My Story

I am a post graduate in Food Science and Nutrition, from SNDT Mumbai and certified in Nutrigenomic councelling , Trasitional gut microbiotics in Human Nutrition and FODMAP nutritionist for gut healing. With over 20 + years of experience in the industry, I work as a Consultant Nutritionist and a Food Consultant and provide extensive range of services in nutrition, corporate wellness, marketing communications, recipe and menu analysis and product development.

As a consultant nutritionist I lend my expertise to Individuals, Corporate, Food Brands, Education Institutes, NGOs, Restaurant/Hotels/Cafeteria/Caterers and Gym and Fitness Centers. I am also a Columnist, Author, Food Brand Ambasador and Speaker on the subject of on the subject of Food Science, Nutrition , Health and wellness

Recepient of Pune Women’s Acheivers Award 2020, Pageant Nutritionist , Columnist ,Author, Life Member of Indian Dietitic Association , Comittee member of Indian Dietetic Association – Pune Chapter, MSC in Food Science and Nutrition – Mumbai SNDT , FODMAP nutiritionist

Collaboration is more powerful than competition! To grow better its imporant to have collab with like minded. Throughtout my journey as a nutritonist I have got oppurtunites to collab with big brands like ABS fitness and wellness club , Pune, WEIKFIELD , AMDOCS NGO like SOFOSH, TIMES OF INDIA , RADIO MIRCHI CITADEL, FEMINA , PROTINEX, FAST AND UP for various projects.