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Vitamin D deficiency

You must have heard of vitamin D or its deficiency now a days very commonly. Many illnesses or even weight loss for that matter is seemed  to be connected with vit D deficiency.

But what is vitamin D?

Vitamins are considered essential because either our bodies cannot make them or make them in insufficient amount. Vitamin D is one of those vitamins. It’s a fat soluble vitamin and can be made internally when your skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.

Our body can make vitamin D from the cholesterol but it’s in inactive form; it gets activated whenever skin is exposed to sun.

What are the sources for this vitamin?

The major source of active vit D is from the Sun.

There are two forms of vitamin D, D2 and D3. Vitamin D2, also known as ergocalciferol, comes from fortified foods, plant foods, and supplements. Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol, comes from fortified foods, animal foods (fatty fish, cod liver oil, eggs, and liver), supplements and exposure to sun. It is very difficult to get enough vit D from the food sources.

You will get sunlight in early part of the morning like in summer you can expose yourself 7.30 -8.00 AM in the morning & evening around 5.30-6.00 PM. In winter it is late like in morning around 8.00-8.30 AM & in afternoon 4.30-5.30 PM.

What are the symptoms of having a Vit D deficiency?

Most people don’t realize that they are deficient, because the symptoms are generally subtle. You may not notice them easily, even if they are having a significant negative effect on your body. Always first check your blood reports.

Here are a few signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

  1. Low immunity ; falling sick or infected more often
  2. Fatigue and tiredness
  3. Bone and back pain
  4. Bone loss
  5. Impaired wound healing
  6. Depression
  7. Hair loss
  8. Muscle pain

What are the causes/risk factors?

These are common risk factors for vitamin D deficiency:

  • Having dark skin.
  • Being elderly.
  • Being overweight or obese.
  • Not eating much fish or milk.
  • Living far from the equator where there is little sun year-round.
  • Always using sunscreen when going out.
  • Staying indoors
  • Calcium deficiency

People who live near the equator and get frequent sun exposure are less likely to be deficient, because their skin produces enough vitamin D to satisfy the body’s needs.

What are risks involved with the deficiency?

  1. Dementia & Alzheimer’s
  2. Cardio vascular diseases
  3. Weight gain
  4. Bone disorders
  5. Prostate cancer
  6. Severe asthma in children

How can you prevent or correct it?

If you think you may have a deficiency, then it’s important that you speak to your doctor and get your blood levels measured.

Fortunately, a vitamin D deficiency is usually easy to fix. You can increase your sun exposure, eat more vitamin D rich foods or simply take a supplement.

Also increase calcium rich foods in diet because calcium & vit D are related to each other. Get blood work done & ask help of doctor.

Fixing your deficiency is simple, easy and can have big benefits for your health.

You can check my video on the same topic on my YouTube channel.


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