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Pesto chicken salad

We often have full meal in the day, but don,t feel that much hungry in the evening. This salad is the best option. It is one dish meal. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins & minerals. This salad is more interesting by adding pesto into this.We also adds chicken into this which is a good source of proteins .Also adding vegetables into salads which are power house of vitamins minerals. The red bell papers contains antioxidant which is good for hairs & skin. Even you can make pesto at home also. Yogurt is probiotic which ensures healthy gut.Also this salads provides you good fat which comes from yogurt, almonds & pesto. Enjoy this delicious & protein rich salad.


  • Boiled and cubed chicken- 50gms
  • mixed salad leaves/ lettuce leaves /lolorosso leaves – 1 bowl
  • Sundried tomatoes- 2 tbsp
  • Cubed red pepper- ½ cup
  • Cubed onion- 1 big
  • Toasted almonds- 2 tbsp
  • Chopped garlic 1tsp

For dressing-

  • Greek yogurt- ½ cup
  • Pesto- 2 tbsp
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Parmesan cheese (optional)- 1 tbsp


  1. Mix pesto, yogurt, salt and pepper and keep it aside.
  2. Tear the leaves.
  3. Mix all the veggies, chicken and dressing neatly.
  4. Sprinkle almonds and parmesan on top while serving.

Check this recipe demonstration on my you tube channel –


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