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Herbs effective for management of PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)  is the most common health disorder affecting women of reproductive age. It can lead to excessive or scanty periods and several other complications such as hormonal imbalance, weight gain, unwanted hair growth and also interfere with the normal functioning of the reproductive system, besides this due to hormonal imbalance women with PCOS may have heavy bleeding, mood swings, hot flashes, and breast tenderness. This condition can be effectively treated with the help of medications, mindful eating habits, leading a disciplined lifestyle, taking herbal supplements, and in a few instances, doctors may also suggest surgery.

Evidence has also revealed that taking the right kind of Herbal supplements can reinstate hormonal balance and support the normal functioning of the reproductive system. These supplements are loaded with phytoestrogen that greatly lessens inflammation, improves insulin resistance, and uplift overall health.

“Herbs are important as there are few truly effective pharmaceutical options,” said Jillian Stansbury, ND, a Washington state-based naturopathic physician, and author of The PCOS Health and Nutrition Guide (Robert Rose, 2012).

Natural treatment plans formulated for PCOS patients by NDs, herbalists, and integrative physicians typically focus on addressing three main types of PCOS manifestations: (1) hormonal imbalances; (2) insulin, blood sugar, and metabolic sensitivities and/or irregularities; and (3) stress response and management.

Adaptogens are certain herbs thought to have health benefits. The theory behind adaptogens says they help your body adjust to physical, chemical, or biological stress. They’re thought to stimulate your body’s stress-protection response and help its systems return to a balanced state called “homeostasis.” Some adaptogen herbs also claim to ease other symptoms of PCOS, like irregular periods.

The following herbs and other natural approaches for treating PCOS and its symptoms are based on expert experience in treating women with PCOS, as well as several research studies. The numerous medicinal plants, substances, and techniques discussed herein represent a broad overview of a variety of data, and are not being suggested for comprehensive or concurrent use.

Disclaimer – it is recommended that you seek medical advice before you incorporate any of these herbs in the diet.

  1. Shatavari

Shatavari is a powerful herb used to treat various reproductive and other health issues related to female health. This ayurvedic supplement helps to balance the hormones and maintain the ovarian health. It prevents the formation of new cysts and also prevents the remission of the disease. Apart from this, Shatavari holds a key role in maintaining the duration of the menstrual cycle (3-7 days), normalizing the cycle and blood flow.

Shatavari is available in the form of tablets or powder which is usually added to milk.

Shatavari is recommended during lactation and for teenage girls at menarche to ease out the period pain and regularity.

  1. Kanchnar Guggulu

Kannchnar Guggulu is an Ayurvedic herbal formulation that offers a ton of health incentives and is used in the treatment of several diseases. This powerful formulation aids in eliminating toxins and wastes out of the system. Laden with impressive healing traits, it is used to treat PCOS, corrects menstrual disorders such as ovulation, amenorrhoea, and hormonal imbalance and also promotes weight loss.

  1. Bilva

This is an effective herb valued for its powerful medicinal and therapeutic purposes. Bilva is immensely rich in vital nutrients and bioactive compounds that help in reducing the size of the cysts and treats dysfunctional uterine bleeding caused due to PCOS.

  1. Gudichi

Guduchi offers a one-shot natural remedy for boosting the health of the female reproductive system and treating PCOS. It has a rejuvenating effect, corrects hormonal imbalance, lowers inflammation, supports weight loss and regulates the menstrual cycle.

  1. Punarnava

Punarnava, consisting of strong therapeutic properties stimulates the production of reproductive hormones in women and corrects hormonal issues. It has been known to increase blood circulation, improve insulin resistance and treat PCOS.

Herbal management for PCOS typically aims at superb healing powers of herbs mentioned above to name a few, along with therapies such as yoga and breathing exercise forms a vital component of PCOS treatment. However, always consult with certified practitioners before taking any supplements.



  1. Oziva Plant Based HerBalance for PCOS

OZiva Plant-Based HerBalance for PCOS is a combination of 21 plant-based whole foods designed to assist hormonal balance and support the menstrual cycle in women. It works as a revitalizing tonic for the female reproductive system, supports hormonal balance with 9 standardized herbal extracts like Chasteberry, Rhodiola Rosea, Red Raspberry, and more, improves fertility, promotes better digestion and reduces bloating, can help in reducing PCOS symptoms, menstrual cramps, and hormonal imbalances if combined with a clean, holistic lifestyle, and exercise, supports skin cleansing and helps control acne, etc.

It is also Gluten-free, soy-free, non-GMO, and has no artificial sweeteners added.

2. Himalaya Organics Hyponidd – An herbal support for PCOS and diabetes`

Hypnoid is used for the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) on account of its role as an herbal insulin sensitizer. PCOS affects 6-10% of the women population and it is very often associated with insulin resistance. It in PCOS improves ovulatory function and several metabolic derangements associated with insulin resistance. It decreases insulin resistance and thereby helps in treating metabolic, reproductive, and steroidogenic health. It has antiandrogenic, hypolipidemic, antiobesity, antioxidant, antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, cardioprotective, and antioxidant properties. Thus, Hyponidd is safe and effective insulin sensitizing, antiandrogenic, antihyperglycemic, hypolipidemic and antioxidant formulation for the management of PCOS.

  1. Be Bodywise PCOS Balance Capsules

This PCOS medicine is a powerful blend of 18 ayurvedic herbs for PCOS and irregular periods treatment, aimed at balancing your hormones, weight management, and managing PCOS symptoms. Shatavari is one of the main ingredients for our PCOS capsules. It is effective in treating PCOS symptoms, helps control hormonal acne, reduces bloating, stress, and hormonal issues. It boosts ovarian health and has also proven to have zero side effects. It is also vegetarian-friendly. It is a very good product, very effective, has helped reduce mood swings and excessive hair growth, and is highly recommended.

  1. andMe PCOS Drink

This drink helps in managing PCOS naturally. It is made with all the ingredients that are important for a healthy PCOS Diet. It helps in balancing hormones in women, regularizes periods, manages weight gain due to PCOS, and helps reduce body hair and acne. It also helps in boosting energy levels. It has no preservatives and no added sugar and it is also Vegan. Patients using the product are very happy with the observed results, which include regular periods, reduced acne, weight control, etc.

  1. Gynoveda PCOS Ayurvedic Pills

It is a 100% natural and zero side effects product. It is recommended by gynecologists as it helps in regulating periods, improves menstrual health, manages weight, improves fertility, and also boosts metabolism. Users have said that it is a boon for people battling PCOS, has helped many regularize periods and maintain better menstrual health, etc.

Along with the herbs it’s very important that you follow a lifestyle change for the management of PCOS.


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Article compiled by : Nylaah Khan

Moderated by : Avantii Deshpaande

image courtesy : Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash



For PCOS: OZiva Plant Based HerBalance for PCOS (with Chasteberry, Shatavari, Red Raspberry, Ashoka & More), 250g


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