Ever since discovering the importance of coconut oil, to me it seems more of a miracle food each day. I prescribe coconut oil to almost 2 of every 10 clients I meet.
Coconut Oil is high in MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) – Caprilyic, Lauric and Capric Acids. They follow a different mechanism of metabolism as compared to the LCT (Long Chain Triglycerides) by moving directly into the Liver where they are either burnt as energy or they burn as Ketone bodies. This is helpful to people who are trying to lose weight. Ketone bodies will cause fullness or satiety which is helpful in weight-loss since these are problems often faced by those who are trying to lose weight. These are also Thermogenic int heir effect so they require more energy expenditure per gm of Coconut Oil consumed. Simply put, Coconut Oil is used to mobilise fat and is helpful to people who are trying to lose weight and are stuck on a plateau.
MCTs themselves are known for various qualities such as –
- Being easy to digest.
- They are antimicrobial.
- They are anti fungal.
- Because MCTs are smaller in size they are permeably and hence they allow for immediate energy conversion. This is why they are not easily converted into fat and stored by the body.
- The MCTs are processed by the liver and because they are converted into energy rather swiftly, they are not stored in the body in the form of fats.
In a nutshell, MCTs are used to mobilise the fat without storing it in the body. In a lot of cases where the client’s weight loss had plateaued I used them to mobilise the stored fat.
I appreciate the benefits of Coconut Oil especially in Keto diets where fats are the main source of energy. Here I use a combination of Coconut Oil, Peanut Oil or Olive Oil with Ghee and Butter.
Furthermore, Coconut Oil has the following proven benefits:
- Natural Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease
The brain of Alzheimer’s patients is unable to create it’s own insulin. The ketones that are created by the liver in the digestion process are used as the energy source for the repair of brain functions.
- Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure Prevention
Because Coconut Oil contains natural saturated fats, it helps by increasing the HDL cholesterol (the healthy cholesterol) levels in the body. It is also known to convert bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) into good cholesterol. Coconut oil also lowers the high triglycerides in the body.
- Natural Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections and Kidney Infections
The MCFAs in Coconut Oil are natural antibiotics. They kill the bacteria efficiently by destroying the lipid coating that keeps them safe.
Coconut water helps hydrate the cells and thus helps with treatment of kidney stones.
- Protection of Liver from Damage
Because of the interaction that Coconut Oil has with the Liver, it is also known to protect the Liver from damage.
- Improvement in the Immune System
Coconut Oil has anti fungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that help build up a strong immune system.
- Improvement in Memory
The Ketone bodies created in the process of digesting Coconut Oil provide the brain with energy without the need for Insulin and so they are able to fuel the brain more efficiently.
- Improvement in Energy Levels
Coconut Oil is directly converted into pure energy. Simply put, Coconut Oil will provide about 30 mins of fuel for the body. It is now being consumed by Triathletes and Marathoners as better form of energy during their races.
- Better Skin
Coconut oil is directly applied to skin as a moisturiser, sunscreen, and a cleanser. The Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil work as as anti-inflammatory both outside as well as within the skin tissue. As mentioned earlier, Coconut Oil is also anti-bacterial, which will cure acne and keep it at bay.
- Weight-loss, Fat-loss, Muscle-building
This is a whole topic in itself, given that Coconut Oil plays a major role in weight-loss through the Keto Diet.
Upon digging into this, you will find numerous more uses of Coconut Oil, the miracle worker. Ask me for more benefits of Coconut Oil, if these are not enough to convince you.
The Best Ways Of Having Coconut Oil
It is healthy only to have 1/2 to 1 tbsp of coconut oil in the day (that is 5 – 10 ml)
- Have it on an empty stomach with warm water for healing the gut
- Use for Oil Pulling to prevent gum diseases and to maintain overall oral hygiene
- Use in daily cooking
- Add to soups and smoothies
- Have in the Bulletproof Coffee
Because external heat is not used to extract the oil, it will retain its nutrients and therefore give maximum health benefits.

- It is cold-pressed: no external heat is used to extract the oil
- It is unprocessed: no additives are added for colour or aroma and no synthetic chemicals are used to filter the oil
- It is organic: no use of synthetic pesticide or fertilizer
- The most important point is that it is packed in glass bottles only to prevent possible contamination.

A Kashaya is a herbal formulation with many health benefits. It is an excellent drink to keep cough, nagging cold, acidity and nausea at bay as well. Above all, it is a healthy substitute for caffeine loaded drinks. Unlike caffeinated drinks that are primarily stimulating, Kashaya, which is a blend of traditional Indian spices, maintains balance in our body with its healing properties.
Helps to detoxify the body when consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, which is the best time to have Kashaya.
Normally Kashaya is prepared with coriander seeds and cumin seeds alone, but AAU Naturals have used additional ingredients like cardamom, black pepper, fennel seeds, dry ginger etc. to help boost its taste and to augment its health benefits.
AAU Naturals Coconut Oil – 5/5
Kashaya Powder – 4/5
Both are excellent products that you will benefit from adding into your lifestyle. Contact Abha from AAU Naturals at +91 9167732118 to order.