Considering these several nourishing and effective health benefits, millets are a great addition to the diet for those considering managing PCOS symptoms. Therefore, next time you crave refined and processed foods, don’t forget to include millets as a healthy replacement to fulfill your nutritional needs and of course as a PCOS-friendly food choice.
Below are some of the herbs that are beneficial for PCOS management:
- Shatavari You all must have taken Shatavari mixed with milk due to its nutritional value. Undoubtedly, Shatavari possesses numerous health benefits. Women suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome are likely to experience bloating and stomach cramps due to hormone changes. This often leads to mood swings and irritability. Therefore consuming Shatavari positively helps to provide relief right from menarche to menopause. It is also known to be effective against a range of PCOS symptoms like infertility, irregular periods, and ovulation. Also considered an active component, Shatavari acts as an estrogen modulator for regulating a normal menstrual cycle.
- Kanchnar guggul Known to be a powerful detoxifying herb, Kanchnar guggul treats hormonal imbalance as well as helps in managing PCOS symptoms. It also plays a key role in purifying blood and a smooth blood flow around the body. If you are worried about your cholesterol levels, you can consider consuming kanchnar guggul boiled in water in the form of detox tea as it decreases the LDL i.e. bad cholesterol. According to certain research, it supports the reproductive system and the functioning of the ovary. It aids in the digestive processes and relieves joint pain.
- Pippali – long pepper Pippali commonly called as long pepper, broadly has a role in the management of various diseases. Considered to be effective during periods, it helps to control heavy blood flow and menstrual cramps. Proving its positive effect on the production of insulin, pippali has been linked to the management of diabetes. Considering the potential health benefits, it possesses anti-flatulence properties that stop bloating, gases, and abdominal extension. If you’re suffering from diarrhea and ulcers, pippali helps in pacifying the digestion process and healing the ulcers and diarrhea.