Learn the art to eat smart!!

An afternoon at Terttulia

Of course, the heat is scorching; almost exhibiting an intention to melt down the roads. But it could not stop me from completing a beautifully agonizing strength workout. The grind felt good and before I knew it, my stomach had begun to demand an incentive.

A nutritionist by profession and a foodie at heart, I knew I deserved a tasty chicken dish for lunch, but not at the cost of proper nourishment. Quickly flicking through my options online, my cravings fell in sync with the menu offerings of Terttulia, Balewadi High Street.

Making short time of the ride to Terttulia, I saw myself ready to order a cool, wholesome drink to beat the heat. Intrigued by the Orange Carrot juice that came with Chia seeds from the Healthy Drinks section, I envisioned a tangy, flavorful drink which immediately made me call for one. As I continued screening the menu for meals, it was made clear that the menu was not only interesting, but also hosted a number of dishes that offer a balanced nutritious angle, therefore regulating calorie intake.

Impressed, I screened and skimmed my way to the salad section, which provided me with healthy artillery against summer blaze – Roasted beet orange goat cheese salad. Provision of add-ons coupled with the reminiscence of my workout session allowed me to call for smoked chicken and bacon.

I was excited, and not without reason. The juice was an amalgamation of perfect flavors shared between orange and carrot. Neither too sweet nor too sour, it irked me that I could have ordered for a larger glass of this Vitamin – C rich healthy drink. With simply one salad to follow, I knew it wouldn’t have harmed me to order for more juice.

The salad certainly looked the part – Precise placement of arugula leaves topped with orange segments and oven roasted beet. Both meats were cooked to perfection on either sides, and were wafting a tantalizing smell, luring me indecently. As my bite sunk into the chicken, I was exposed to juicy meat along with properly cooked bacon, which fell in contrast with other places that served either half done or overcooked bacon at times.

Sparing a scrutinizing thought from the perspective of nourishment into my majestic meal, the following things could be observed –

  • The balance between fibers and protein was executed beautifully. Arugula leaves, orange segments, and beetroot held great fiber content, while both meats generously provided proteins.
  • The carbohydrate content could have been higher by adding more roasted beetroot, which would not hinder with the taste of this salad in any way whatsoever.
  • A  delicious balsamic vinaigrette dressing was added in an adequate quantity which truly complimented the taste of this entire salad.

Conclusively, the chink of metal cutlery against fine china was hardly noticed, owing to the deliciousness experienced through a simple salad-juice combo for lunch. The quality of this food had appeased my hunger for quality summer afternoons with sumptuous, yet nutritious food, thus promoting my journey of eating smart and out, with zero guilt niggles!




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