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Role of Fermented Vegetables in Gut Healing

The use of naturally fermented vegetables has been on the rise since mankind understood their importance in the modernized diet of the 21st century. Not only it is popular in the urban areas but also it has gained traction in the rural parts due to its ancient roots. Not doubting the role of farm-grown veggies, fermentation has succeeded in improving the nutritional value of vegetables as well as fruits. It hasn’t limited its fermentability to idli, dosa, and yogurt, but proved that fermentation can be done in a simple manner using greens and roots too.

Fermented vegetables with the advantage of probiotic effect also prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. There are many types of fermented preparations like sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, tempeh, and kombucha made mainly from shredded cabbage, radish, and soybean.

Here is a list of fermented products that are rich in nutrients and benefit your gut and digestive health:-

Along with the high protein, vitamin, and mineral content, these fermented foods as a whole provides many benefits such as:

Therefore, fermented vegetables and foods with a plethora of benefits play a vital role in gut healing and metabolism. They act as a superfood with impressive dietary modifications and health benefits. However, these fermented products must be consumed in moderation and by the physician’s advice. If consumed in excess they may cause side effects for a person suffering from unfavorable diseases.


Difference between PCOS & PCOD

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) are two terms often used interchangeably, but they represent distinct conditions with unique characteristics. While they

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