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Glowing skin: Top 5 supplements in the market v/s their food counterparts 

Achieving radiant and healthy skin involves a holistic approach that combines a well-balanced diet, proper skin care, and targeted supplementation. Today’s episode is about something we all want- beautiful, happy skin. Every one of us wants that radiant glow, but sometimes, we might wonder if we need a bunch of supplements or if we can get all the goodness from the food we eat. Well, today, we’re going to unravel the mystery. Imagine this video as a friendly guide to understanding how what you eat can give your skin that extra boost. We will be talking about collagen, vitamins, and all sorts of exciting stuff. We will also explore whether obtaining these nutrients through supplements or diet is more beneficial and how the health of our gut plays a pivotal role in maximizing their availability. Yes, your gut is like a superhero for your skin’s happiness!!

Collagen: Collagen is the structural protein that is responsible for keeping your skin elastic and supple and is often hailed as a skincare hero. You may have heard about collagen supplements, but did you know you can boost collagen production naturally through your diet? The approach should ensure support for the internal processes for flawless and youthful skin. Consider including bone broth, fish, and lean meats in your diet. These are the sources from which we can get collagen. Don’t worry vegan and vegetarian folks. I’ve got you covered. Vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits, papaya, almonds, and cruciferous vegetables help strengthen the immune system and support collagen production.
Next up, we have glutathione, often referred to as the body’s master antioxidant crucial for protecting the body against toxins by detoxifying them and promoting longevity through immune function. Several glutathione supplements have been shown to have serious side effects like cramping, bloating, or allergic reactions. A study conducted in Washington concluded that oral supplementation of Glutathione potentially has no effect in reducing oxidative stress of people with oxidative diseases like diabetes, or cancers. It may also interact with other medications the person is taking. Before jumping directly on to supplements, consider including spinach, sulfur-containing foods like onion, garlic, chives, and leeks, and cruciferous vegetables which may produce certain substances that act as antioxidants.
Vitamin C and E:
Vitamin C and E– the antioxidant duo, are the powerful antioxidants crucial for shielding the skin from damage. They are nowadays included in many brightening serums and sunscreens. Vitamin C is the primary replenisher of vitamin E and works synergistically with vitamin E in the protection against oxidative damage. Research shows that topical application of Vitamin C is protective for the skin as well as oral supplementation is also beneficial and restores many gut and liver functions necessary for healthy skin. But remember, supplementation is only and only necessary when we cannot meet the requirement through diet. Food sources are citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, amla, and papaya.
Omega 3 with multivitamins:
The next one is omega-3 fatty acids and multivitamins which are essential for maintaining skin health and hydration. They can serve to regulate the skin’s oil production, improve balanced hydration, subdue breakouts, and minimize signs of aging. Omega-3s can also help soften rough, dry skin and have a soothing effect on irritation and dermatitis. A combination of omega-3 with multivitamins ensures a comprehensive intake of essential nutrients, promoting overall well-being and skin vitality. Fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts are rich sources of omega-3.
Let’s talk about Niacinamide or Nicotinamide now. It is a form of Vitamin B3 that supports a healthy skin barrier, reduces inflammation, and regulates oil production. Typically we must be getting enough niacinamide through our diet, so we must take a “food first” approach to getting this nutrient. Foods such as fish, poultry, brown rice, Nuts, seeds, legumes, bananas, and milk contain ample niacinamide however, if you have certain skin conditions like acne or rosacea, consult a credible dermatologist for Niacinamide supplements.
Role of Healthy Gut:
A well-functioning gut is the cornerstone of nutrient absorption. A diverse and balanced diet rich in fiber, fermented foods, and probiotics fosters a healthy gut microbiome, enhancing the absorption of essential nutrients. Probiotics, in particular, contribute to gut health and support the bioavailability of skin-boosting supplements.
In conclusion, an overarching theme emerges—nature knows the best. While supplements have their place, there’s a unique and irreplaceable magic in the foods that Mother Earth provides. Our skin, a reflection of inner health, flourishes when nourished with real, whole foods. Striking a balance between dietary sources and supplements, along with maintaining a healthy gut, ensures optimal absorption of these skin-loving nutrients. Remember, before incorporating any new supplements into your routine, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure they align with your individual health needs. So, let’s celebrate the bountiful offerings of nature, cultivate a healthy gut, and allow our skin to glow from the inside out.

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