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Puffed Rajgeera breakfast jar


1. Rajgheera puff  – ½ cup

2. Milk  – ½ cup

3. Yoghurt  – ¼ cup

4. Maple syrup – 1 tbsp

5. Vanila extract  – ¼  tsp

6. flax  seeds – 1 tsp

7. Dry dates powder – 1 tsp


  1. Frozen strawberries – 2-3 no ( sliced)
  2. Fresh cherries – 2-3 no (deseeded)
  3. Mixed nuts ( walnuts/pistachios/ almonds) – ½ tbsp


  1. Combine the rajgheera puffs, milk, yoghurt, maple syrup, vanilla extract, dry dates powder and flax seeds in a mason jar at night.
  2. Next morning mix the smoothie and top it with frozen strawberries, fresh cherries, mixed nuts and drizzle with honey.


Difference between PCOS & PCOD

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) are two terms often used interchangeably, but they represent distinct conditions with unique characteristics. While they

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