Avantii Deshpande : Dietician & Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Author & Speaker

Smart-bEAT Diabetes : 12 week Diet Program.

12 weeks kick start program dedicated for diabetes, prediabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

One in six people with diabetes in the world is from India. The numbers place the country among the top 10 countries for people with diabetes, coming in at number two with an estimated 77 million diabetics
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterised by an increased amount of glucose in the blood. Foods containing sugar are broken down to form glucose, the main source of energy for the body. Once in the blood stream the increased glucose levels stimulate the pancreas to release insulin which enables glucose uptake into cells. The blood glucose level then returns to normal. Diabetes causes several effects: the body either produces too little insulin, no insulin at all, or the cells do not respond appropriately to the insulin that is produced. This means the body cannot utilise the glucose and it remains in the blood stream.
The first symptoms of diabetes is an excessive thirst, frequent passing of urine, fatigue, headaches and nausea. Children often appear listless and tetchy. However, many people do not recognise these symptoms and the disease goes undiagnosed. If left untreated diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney failure, limb amputation, heart disease and inevitably death.
Nutritional strategies, in consultation with a qualified Nutritionist, can reduce your risk or prevent the development of Type 2 diabetes (from pre-diabetes stage) by losing weight and making improvements to your lifestyle. An in depth analysis, with a focus on your diet history will help the creation of individualised plan, taking into account your lifestyle, culture and eating habits and ensure measurable and achievable goals.

Avantii is a Post-graduate Masters, qualified in Food Science & Nutrition, a certified Nutrigenomic Counsellor & a certified Transitional gut-microbiomics consultant for personalised nutrition, Avanti has worked closely with 1000s of patients and prescribed a personalised diet & nutrition plan to suit their lifestyle as well as add valuable nutrition to a healthy body. Patients have implemented the plan with more than satisfying results.

Working and researching for several man-hours, Avanti has created a personalised 12 WEEK SMART-bEAT Diabetes PROGRAM that is sure to work in the Indian food, climate and life-style. The key to managing type 2 diabetes is achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight, making healthier food choices and being as active as you can be, every day. This program is suitable for individuals with impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose, and a history of gestational diabetes.

Do you need a Diabetes Program?

If you have two or more of the following symptoms, you are likely to be in some stage of Diabetes.

Craving to eat sweets often
Sudden loss of weight
Frequent Urination
Increased Thirst
Extreme Fatigue
Dry Mouth & Itchy skin
Leg or feet numbness
Slow healing of wounds
Irritable moodswings
Blurring vision
Total Score is   0

If your score is between 10 - 35
you have Pre-Diabetic symptoms
If your score is between 35 and 55
you must get Diabetes check done immediately.
If you have a score higher than 65,
you probably have 'severe diabetes'



Begin your journey of life long healthy living, by eating with balance, wisdom and moderation. The goal of my 12-week program for you is to make you feel like a totally healthy person; in body and in mind.
The different phases, of the program are designed to help you identify triggers, Cleanse the intestine, Reduce Insulin stimulus, implement eating, working-out & sleep strategies, while supporting your weight-loss or weight-gain goals.

  • General health and immunity
  • Weekly Meal portions plans
  • Recipes & Grocery stocks
  • Support growth and body composition
  • Hydration goals
  • Workout and Sleep Strategies
  • Progressive Recovery

Smart-bEAT Steps in the program

  • Identify triggers
  • Reduce Inflamation
  • Cleansing Phase
  • Reduce Insulin stimulation
  • Boost Metabolism
  • Recommend Life-style changes
  • Walks and Workouts
  • Sleep Strategies
  • Life-style balance

Smart-bEAT Diabetes Program

  • 2 weeks, start any day.
  • Online- appointments and discussions
  • Online consultations and assessments
  • 7 personalised diet (fortnight changes)
  • Body and Lifestyle assessment
  • Diet program with grocery list
  • Indoor/Outdoor Exercise regimen
  • Delicious & Nutritious Recipe (booklet/videos)
  • Recovery Strategies and Quickfix
  • Speciality foods created by Avanti
Just a 12-week commitment from you can set the right foundations for your life-long health.
Avanti creates speciality food, diet and nutrition products to meet the lifestyle based nutritional challenges for you and your family.

Avanti Deshpande's Full Range of Health, Wellness, Nutrition and Dietetics Services

Avanti provides food, diet and nutrition advice for a wide range of clinical and lifestyle based nutritional challenges. read more

Avanti also is associated with sport and fitness nutrition and is associated with Gym/Spa/Health Club/Sports Club for their Diet plans and assessment of nutritional needs. read more
Avanti also consults to business houses and hospitals to create, structure and implement successful corporate health programs.read more
Avanti is experienced in obesity management and creates personalized weight loss program for each individual that is flexible enough to suit every lifestyle read more
Control and regulate your weight with the diet program that fits you perfectly. Now